
day off

stormy fresh powder
no kids no whining no fuss
solo days are nice

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single mothers

some men don't grow up
'till they've got sons of their own
so much mothering!

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straight from vapor phase
freezing fog grows ice feathers
on every grass stem

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BellCampo does meat
vertically integrated
from ranch to table

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van der Waal forces
dominate the enthalpy
H-bonds are a wash



Feyd-Rautha beckoned
with the tip of his dagger
"shall we dance, cousin?"

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Peter Jackson's dwarves
have the manners of fratboys
and Scotsmen's vowels

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Azog's prosthesis
just made Thorin angrier
shoddy wrought iron


vayera II

for shalom bayit
entrust your firstborn to me
listen to her voice


vayera I

God told Avraham
suppress your sense of justice
listen to her voice


social theory

Robert Paul Wolff taught
voting can't make what's wrong right
values pre-exist

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housecat on duty
hallucinating mouse sounds
attacks the curtains

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small world after all

snow keeps sifting down
cloudbase hangs on the treetops
one's whole world contracts

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surveillance II

spies in our own homes
dogs report our neuroses
to random strangers



Cardinal Wolsey
headed Ann Boleyn's shit-list
high stakes and low blows

Labels: ,


spies in our own homes
our dogs report to strangers
all our neuroses



news search for
still no hits again today
stubbornly undead

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arch punctuation
winks at the text's plain meaning
they're "quotation snarks"

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mired in recession
no economy rebounds
'til someone's spending

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privileged platform

bald eagles fishing
on a lake by Coeur d'Alene
circle at cloudbase

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nest stop: Idaho!
 please reset your timepieces
thirty years backwards


Wolf Hall

a tide of pronouns
sweeps Mantel's novel along

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Thomas More's letters
scourged Martin Luther rudely
in polished Latin

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pre-literate tot
visualizing whirled peas
finds Christmas puzzling

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dogs' senility
sight and hearing fade to black
olfaction stays true

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Eol the Dark Elf
took to wife Turgon's sister
moved to GreenAcres


mote in one's eye

something about Love
and embracing the outcast
lost on these Christians

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awkward timing

servicing school loans
at the old interest rate
"generation screwed"

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canonical tale
of teshuvah in practice
"A Christmas Carol"

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senseless II

Slaughtered innocents
King Herod's paranoia
revists Newtown

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Springman alleges
CIA runs consulates
to our detriment

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angel-shaped cookies
since the Newtown massacre
slaughtered innocents

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narrow window

from the core I'm climbing in
it's straight down "B" launch

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bristle II

wiry ear bristle
stridulates my tympanum
internal cricket

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bristle I

14-gauge bristle
sprouts inwards from my tragus
grates my tympanum

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U.S. sacred myth
the "Bastion of Liberty"
on the ground, we're thugs

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oh, grow up!

pursuit of meaning
rather than mere sensation
sets adults apart

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done with the Owens?
not 'til you've flown the "Big One"

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the death of Jesus
overshadows His teachings
for many Christians

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know thyself

cinematic d'rash
commenting on vayishlakh
must see "Life of Pi"

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"For Family Planning"
the sign on the clinic read
"Please Use Rear Entrance"

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narrow Zionists'
national aspirations
speak only to Jews

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lacuna II

to lead the Umma
Mohammed left no male heir
Oh the irony!

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twisted intellect
Saruman felt he was mocked
by Gandalf's smoke-rings


just deserts II

a kicked cur will bite
Grima slashed Saruman's throat
albeit, too late

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puissant Istari
emissaries of Valar
played at parlor tricks

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the Q'uran's author
answered all Muslims' questions
except succession

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just desert

under WormTongue's knife
Saruman gave up the ghost
havoc turned inwards

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Beren the Steward
gave the keys to Saruman
and threw in a stone


old! improved!

release 2.0
alone of the Istari
Gandalf was sent twice

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Tolkien's faith

some thought that Manwe
in the guise of Mithrandir
delivered the world

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gorging on acorns
wild turkeys spend December
prepping for Christmas

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clean power

flying the trapeze
way over the windward rail
high-powered bidet


diverted blood flow

perched on Santa's lap
babbling about what she wants
he's not listening

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sex sells

commoditized flesh
advertising underwear
less than what it hides

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Ezekiel's innovation

Merkavah vision
made religion portable
when the Temple's gone


I got mine

unJewish story
Lot's neighbors could go to Hell
while he got redeemed

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family ties

Judah and Tamar
rather than leave her bereft
conceived a mamzer

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portable vision

even in exile
Ezekiel's God was near
for those who could see



Holder's DoJ
calls for Judicial Restraint
while murdering us

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honest politician II

Boehner means "maybe"
when he says "never" or "no"
make him an offer

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everything and nothing

no conspiracy
outdoes creationism
for scale and chutzpah

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Stoppard's dialogue
brought "...Karenina" to stage
and--at times--to life

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Jack's dream

now sprout the favas
shouldering aside leaf mulch
mighty among beans!

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some things endure

Felagund's sister
married beneath her station
for enduring love

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Thorin's not convinced
the best tool for slaying orcs
is an elvish sword



War of 1812
against our prime trade partner
what were we thinking?

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conflicting visions

War of 1812
U.S. expansionism
trod on the King's toes

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festive feasting

short ribs and pumpkin
gut-warming panang nueh
lights up the long night

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again II

Michael Bay's franchise
no artful acting required
everything blows up

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big spoiler alert
if Michael Bay directed
everything blows up

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honest politician

House Speaker Boehner
knows who pays for his campaigns
they're not MiddleClass

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cows carve their salt-licks
into abstract objets d'arts
pure soul, freed of mind

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out of touch

rich white grandfather
preaching to an empty chair
GOP's totem

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storm shrouds Diablo
each time it starts heating up
atmosphere's too wet

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Leah and Rachel

just started "Wolf Hall"
laboring to understand
the "other Boleyn"

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what else mustn't I mention at dinner?

like Henry VIII
Mohammed left no male heirs
hard to blame the wives

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too cool to evoke anything

modernist haiku
eschewing all metaphor
inert on the page

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Tartarus II

Assad's last backers
seek a relative Eden
flock to Tartarus

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Hell by the Seaside
last refuge for Alawites
as Assad goes down

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so foul and fair a day I have not seen

Winter solstice storm
wrack scuds under twin rainbows
fit day for MacBeth

Labels: , , , ,

damned fool way to choose a government

Henry's poxy loins
couldn't sire a live male heir
Bess would have to do

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sleeping on the floor
under crumbling asbestos
college dorm living

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End times

biosphere state-shift
Nature 486,52
they say we are toast

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texting while driving
is known to erode your health
rather abruptly

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poisoned politics

a cure for DeMint's
Mad Hatter TeaParty
Arsenic and Lace?

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new season, new toys

Winter is coming
snowsports begin to beckon
 to learn to split-board

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visualize this

to Einstein's chagrin
Bell's inequality proved
the world IS spooky

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getting ahead

it's the early bird
that gets the worm--or at least--
further in worm-line

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returned warmth and sun
teasing blooms back into life
Indian Summer

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digital virus
language is a parasite
and I am its host

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Shiva Nataraj
lord of the dance and rebirth
each new moon rising

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long year vacant skies
forty four day now four months
windward southern cross

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new moon, new me

vacant skies, long year
tired hands releasing the shards
new me/moon rising

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there's little to do
once Pandora's box is cracked
but let fate unfold

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city squalls, lightning
rank skies over steamy streets
waiting for cleansing

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Labor weekend II

Paiute rocked big air
strong blue thermals challenged skills
and more tomorrow

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Labor weekend

Hot tub looking East
now it's time to head for home
beautiful weekend

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Big gelato
little gelato
which pig will choose right?

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Fermi's other law:
fermions discovered here
Bosons in Europe

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nyaa nyaa

flat-bottomed cumies
crowning ridges all around
mock my ground-bound state

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nationalist ambitions

Lincoln's legacy
 Southern obstructionism 
 should have let 'em go?

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Rhododendron buds 
 swelling in December's rains 
dream of April's sun

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Focused on the Man 
the world Nietzche would order 
 isn't civilized

Labels: , ,

I got mine!

Screw society! 
Nietzchean myopia 
 drives the TeaParty

Labels: ,


Tracking EKGs 
 by remote telemetry 
is nothing private?


pent in

The brim of my hat 
 supports a curtain of rain 
 shortened horizons

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Seas must have been low 
 when the Fjords were carved by ice 
 glaciers are buoyant

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epistemic closure

Closed echo-chambers 
self-satisfied rhetoric 

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the wavelength of the world

DeBrogli's thesis 
quantized the classical world 


when you can fake that...

Consummate actors 
fake even sincerity 
 no one notices

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Nasty recompense 
for braving the rain at dawn 
 sodden newspaper

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who trade Liberties for Security will get neither

Drones prowl the home skies 
 "terrorism Prevention" 
 threatens civil rights

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the Market looks strong!

Timothy Geithner's 
 Potempkim Economy 
 left the People broke

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making sense

Spinning a story 
 to make sense of mere events
 history takes work

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Darwinian selection

Keith Richards' habits 
 would have killed a lesser man 
 many Moons ago

Labels: ,

entropy wins

Corporate welfare 
 pits states against their neighbors 
 Race to the Bottom


who saves a single life...

To his mother's eyes 
 a cosmos in its glory 
 churned in Krishna's mouth

Labels: , ,

makes one's head spin

Talon in talon 
 two golden eagles gyrate 
 love is on the wing

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order from chaos

Tighter than stone walls 
 phospholipid bilayers 
 imprison peptides

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the uses of Fear

Like Saruman's voice 
 the Spell of Netanyahu 
 keeps voters enthralled

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Romney's fantasy 
 a world in his own image 
 where serfs know their place

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works in progress

Perfect pathogens 
 never cost a day of work 
 they'd make you fitter

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equality II

Barefoot in the mosque 
one leaves class markers outside 
except your gut's girth

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equality I

Barefoot in the mosque 
one leaves class markers outside 
 we're all special here

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all is vanity

people will find ways 
 to advertise high status 
 Darwin requires it

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Personal copy 
 decades of marginalia 
 enliven the text


know thyself

Jacob at Jabbok 
or Pi with Richard Parker 
 personal Jihad

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Jacked up

Fractional freezing 
 boosts the alcohol content 

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month's end

The moon's last crescent 
 up barely before the sun 
flirting with Venus

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For those who have eyes 
Tolkien's Catholicism 
 inspires Mithrandir

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legacy of violence

When he falls, at last 
al-Assad's Mukhabarat 
 will face mob justice

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Glacier of tail-lights 
 creeping imperceptibly 
 erodes my patience

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Joseph Kennedy 
 got out ahead of the Crash 
 then sold Britain short

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new Prometheus

Shankar's apostles 
brought World Music to the West 
 twelve notes at a time

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Hoover's apostle 
still pushing Austerity 
 Boehner hasn't learned

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A world of nuance 
all difficult, all the time 
 suck it up, big guy!



Groping for meaning 
 in a madman's violence 
 grim theodicy

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She can't testify 
 to inculpate her husband 
 are they not one flesh?

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Joseph Kennedy 
 howled his last decade away 
bereft of language

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uninformed electorate

To many voters 
 Keynesian economics 
just sounds like voodoo

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Two unnamed harlots 
 appealed to king Solomon 
each claimed the live boy

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The wrong al-Masri 
tortured by our CIA 
 grievous injustice

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Kim Jong-Il has died 
 leaving some small shoes to fill 
 even with the lifts

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edit fail

rock 'em sock 'em robot scene 
 pads the Hobbit film

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hard-currency kooks

Erebor's riches 
 obsessed Thorin Oakenshield 
 as they had drawn Smaug

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Tolkien's coding

Dwarves yearn for the home 
 from which they've been long exiled 


new day

Home is behind you 
 each time you walk out that door 
 adventure awaits

Labels: ,

personne n'est un ile

Gerard Depardieu 
 begrudges France his taxes 
 the bell tolls for him



Piscine Molitor 
 struggles with his carnal side 
let's call that "Richard"

Labels: ,


from recent dwindling day-lengths. . . 
 the End of the World!

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ayn chadash

existential angst 
 shines through Ecclesiastes 
 even that's not new

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Elections are close! 
 Since he can't attack Iran 
Bibi bombs Gaza

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Let the critics blush! 
 Steinbeck didn't hesitate 
 to be outrageous

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statisticians and liars

"Republican math" 
 gave Mitt Romney the White House 
 by inventing "facts"

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gotta be free!

Let Texas secede 
 and bring Puerto Rico in 
 we'll keep the same flag

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Mohammed Morsi
squandered the stature he's gained
on a power-grab

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 software spares you the typing

where there's no keyboard


Ethan Bronner sees 
 a Cuban Missile Crisis 
 play out in Gaza 

Labels: ,

routine maintenance/

Telchar's masterpiece 
 shattered in Isuldir's hand 
 to be forged anew

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Mohammed Morsi 
 comes out looking statesman-like 
 to Bibi's bully

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old school

The helm of Turin 
 and the sword of Aragorn 
Telchar's legacy

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Faustian bargain? 
 Keith Richards' longevity 
 mocks actuaries

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Achilles' story
 Jimi Hendrix died early 
 and lives forever

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An age of cellphones 
 no one has "Intel inside" 
 tempus mutantur


labelled baggage

Keith Richards explained 
 his problem isn't with drugs 
 it's with enforcement

Labels: , ,

chaos in motion

Karman vortex streets
shedding unpredictably 
 make knuckleballs dance

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once you can fake sincerity...

Nothing is sacred 
 even friendships are for sale 
 "Timon of Athens"

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counting coup

Morsi gains stature 
 while Abbas seems diminished 
Gaza calculus

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David Petraeus 
 grasping for a new brass ring 
 let the first one drop

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cyclic truth

 all streams flow into the sea 
 but the sea's not full

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national project

ongoing challenge: 
 "form a more perfect union" 
 for imperfect Men

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Anthony Bourdain 
 sneers at humorless foodies 
and everyone else



Critical moment 
 between freshness and decay 
 sushi's apogee

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big secret

"Staff Biographer" 
 to General Petraeus 
code-name for mistress

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Afghan civilians 
 bear the brunt of violence 
 the Yanks are armored

Labels: ,

can't fool them

Teachers get nowhere 
 teaching students Pi(r)squared 
 they know pie are round

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The shapes of rockets 
 designed to pierce atmospheres 
 make less sense in space

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of policy and politics

Wave the bloody shirt! 
 Keynesian economics 
 won't fire the crowd up

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temper, temper

Gandalf was sent back 
 anealed in Moria's fires 
hardened for battle

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 study provoking anger
 to assert control

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blessed are the Peacemakers

Al-Daya's Fatwa 
 gave the Truce the force of law 
 on Gaza's Muslims

Labels: , , ,

ezer k'negdo

Lincoln's shrewish wife 
 dwelling always on her grief 
 made his life a hell



Spielberg's Lincoln film 
 painterly compositions 
 convey gravitas

Labels: , , ,

feet of clay

Disgraced Spy-master 
 might have run for president
 until the scandal

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fragmentation grenade

 Israel needs leadership 
not one more party

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whistling past the graveyard

Propagating fields 
 not spooky remote action 
 comforted Einstein's 

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Where the concept's new 
languages borrow the word 
except Icelandic

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plus ca change II

Iran reels backwards 
 torturing and murdering 
 like the Shah's Savak

Labels: , ,

plus ca change...

Persians bite their tongues 
 rather than cross the new Shah's
 old-fashioned Savak

Labels: , , ,

you think that's intelligence?

The problem with Searle
 isn't that we don't get it
 it's just that he's wrong

Labels: , , ,

logical allies

Strange paranoia 
 communists in his union 
 scared Cesar Chavez

Labels: , ,

is it all in your mind?

If they're after you 
 it isn't paranoia 
context is meaning

aspiring puppeteer

Bibi's agenda 
 Iraq, Syria, Iran. . . 
rests on U.S. Troops

Labels: , , , , ,

unthought's thinker

Soren Kierkegaard 
subordinates intellect 
to abject blind faith

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all is vanity

Finrod felagund 
 hewed the caves where Glaurung dwelt 
 all is transience

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Islam's last Prophet 
 forbade iconography 
 focused on the Word

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judging justly

Bibi's heavy hand 
 kills the Just with the Wicked 
let God sort 'em out?

Labels: , , ,


Lincoln's legacy 
 Southern obstructionism 
should have let 'em go?

Labels: , ,


Rhododendron buds 
 swelling in December's rains 
dream of April's sun

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does not play nicely with others II

Focused on the Man 
the world Nietzche would order 
 isn't civilized

Labels: ,

does not play nicely with others

Screw society! 
 Nietzchean myopia 
drives the TeaParty

Labels: , ,


Tracking EKGs
 by remote telemetry 
 privacy is dead

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