
the People's man

Pete Seeger sang on
long after his voice was gone
dragons yet to slay

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spice of life

genius of Szechuan
meat or tofu or noodles
makes beer taste better

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aiming low

our  "soft bigotry"
worked in George Bush's favor
low expectations



a nation comprised of States
not of citizens

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Pete Seeger's lyrics
still resonate in our hearts
'though is voice is stilled

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extractive empire
WalMart bankrupts Mom&Pop
and calls it "profit"

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homogeneity V

Orinda's classy
White People's last bastion
cultural desert

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homogeneity IV

Orinda's classy
where they keep the White People
cultural desert


homogeneity III

fog swathes Orinda
advertising what it's got
everything is White

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homogeneity II

fog swathes Orinda
absolute monotony
everything is White

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heavy stuff

rotational rates
in galaxies' outer limbs
can't be baryons

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fog swathes Orinda
nothing challenges the eye
everything is White

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loyal to the people

Teddy Roosevelt
learned to trust the workingman
"traitor to his class"

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feckless congress

FISA amendment
the Spy Community's coup
wears the mask of Law

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the bigger man

fourth on Mt. Rushmore
Teddy stood just 5'8"
his growth was inward

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shalom bayit

TR's own father
hired a substitute to serve
in the Civil War

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the letter of the law

more than mere statutes
aggadic material
incarnates ethos

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Ellsberg's explicit
Dick Cheney's an enemy
of democracy

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Jamie Dimon's raise
extractive economies
love Gordon Gekko

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huddled in the snow
gazing in at the banquet
ninety-nine percent

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the man they called "Vice"
betrayed our constitution
to strengthen his boss

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thou shalt not yoke an ox and an ass together

William Howard Taft
aspired to dispense wisdom
not to rally votes

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overshadowed II

TR's long shadow
eclipsed William Howard Taft
no small feat, really

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William Howard Taft
only brought Teddy's brio
to the dining room

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good design stands up

planetary gears
designed by James Watt himself
out-lived steam power



convicts Down Under
built a nation of their own
that now shuns migrants

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Greek CoastGuard scandal
towing migrants towards Turkey
"rescue" shouldn't kill

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the shape of a foot
betrays the genes (to the wise)
Charcot Marie Tooth

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deeply insincere

Murdoch's genuine!
no veneer of phony class
shit from skin to bone

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rug? rat?

Donald Trump's coiffure
legit? Or is it road-kill?
there ain't no ear-tag

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Murdoch's ambition
was bigger than Australia
he aspired to class

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game theorists proved
Nietzsche was a parasite
on what others built

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good company

Cuomo's image soars
to look vastly popular
run against the Clown

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high pressure sunset
stable as the benthic brine
devoid of drama

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mud fight

Feinsten and Rogers
leap to besmirch Snowden's name
before he damns theirs

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the arc of the moral universe is long...

Reconstruction stalled
"an idea whose time has come"
took a hundred years

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punch the mother fucker

flares require airspeed
fly a quarter of a loop
before tail-sliding

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damage control

Rogers and Feinstein
strain to tarnish Snowden's name
before he outs them

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writing for himself
Nietzsche labored to explain
why no one liked him

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a smart contact lens
beats a sharp stick in the eye
to read blood glucose

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new Galatea
outgrowing her Pygmalion
steps out in Her world

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Snowden's deadman switch
threatens Feinstein (but with what?!)
to deter hitmen

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shades of Trust Busters

net neutrality
requires new legislation
it's not current law

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cardiac murmur
reports inefficiency
so...I can eat more?

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non disputandum

decadent Czarists
favored weirdly sweet champagnes
with their caviar

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Syria's complex!
now a Christian named "Jihad"
speaks for the rebels

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art is in the juxtaposition

three penetrations
sex and drugs and foul murder
Kill Your Darlings crux

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boundary conditions

all sink stops by ground-level
if not by tree-tops

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January thaw

errant honey bee
slurps sweat for want of nectar
slim Winter pickings

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ask Kennedy's ghost
what he'd change in retrospect
Dulles? or Dallas?

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unreliable narrator

you can't trust that bitch
I dance better when I'm drunk;
Vodka tells me so




for the White House this time 'round
Snowden horizon

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lost on the deaf

try just making sense
if you're relying on charm
you've got the wrong man



outside the box

Denethor despaired
thinking that Men stood alone
wreaked not of Halflings


dear bought

pierced by many shafts
Boromir bought Frodo time
to ditch the pursuit

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file that

for Manicheans
the god who creates Evil
isn't our problem

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four Jovian moons
tell perfect celestial time
to one who can read

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les autres

human connections
spelled "hell" in Sartre's system
and "God" in Buber's


skin deep

cast-iron saucepan
variant on bechamel
more like a "gray sauce"

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brief day in the sun

himalayan peaks
thrust marine limestone skywards

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Austerians lead
armies of the unemployed
toward Revolution

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Death holds no horror
for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
he's been there before

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global warming

dirty rags of snow
look more like May than New Years
skiing's been cancelled

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the "God of the Gaps"
shrinks as Science advances
trending towards zero

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whole man

celibate priesthood
knows human imperfections
only as failings

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guitar valhalla
Duane Allman (ranked number two)
sits at Jimi's feet



while Hector rampaged
the best of the Achaeans
sulked over a girl

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invasive non-native

Clovis horizon
at New World megafaua
within mere decades

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Vladimir Putin
not knowing how to let go
strangles his baby

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old story

each black hole evokes
saturn swalling his sons
as it devour stars

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Ich ud Du II

searching for meaning
in an absurd universe
try Buber's I/Thou

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famed for being wrong
John Searle's bitter legacy
will be a footnote

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Ich und Du

adrift in the void
minds seek Meaning's foundation
Buber thinks it's Thou

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don't ask

absurd creation
obscures Meaning in the dross
of John Searle's lectures

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there is no "why"

absurd creation
nothing but relationships
I and Thou and Death

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Chicago's grillage
undeterred by lack of rock
castles built on sand


war party

Egyptian junta
pushes open civil war
bans opposition

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Leif had a vision
for a planet in crisis
Greenland real estate

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Benazir Bhutto
accused Pervez Musarref
from beyond the grave

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usual suspects

Benazir Bhutto
'accused Pervez Musharref
from beyond the grave

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myth and variations

Pygmalion retold
simulated emotions
half of a romance

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old truths

"jury of his peers"
Before Marx lifted a pen
posits Class Warfare

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blinded II

a thumb on the scale
tips Justice in Texas courts
melanin's heavy

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of form and substance

meter's not the point
banal ideas in haiku
just evoke boredom

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doctor took a placebo
died of overdose



spirit dwindling
I need a vacation soon
thanksgiving haiku

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arctic circle III

on top of the world
sun and moon spin around you
the cosmos as top

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arctic circle II

day, night, dark and light
just a shift in perspective
 on the Great Circle

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Arctic circle

full moon, setting sun
here at the edge of the world
in perfect balance

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via dolorosa

just fourteen stations
to walk the path Jesus walked
but a million shops

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embattled IV

arvat and salat
yelled across the western wall
like crazed football chants

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embattled III

the "city of peace"
is that some sort of sick joke?
hope springs eternal

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embattled II

we project our myths
onto this unbreathing rock
and kill to claim it

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dead stone on dead stone
we build these towering walls
to force us apart

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shells are your harbors
twigs are your direction home
waka spiderweb

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Anita Perry
said Choice is a woman's Right
embarrassing Rick

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M/I complex

Hadley said "let's bomb!
Assad lest we lose our face"
Raytheon cleaned up

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industry standard

does kinky perverted things
to transform your "meat"

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Heidegger rejects
subject/object distinction
for experience

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the BART doors slide shut
and he starts his monologue
yet another "friend"



basking in Summer
East coast Sunday traffic jam
to Catskill moonrise

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not drinking the kool-aid

faced with surveillance
kids raised on information
will blow the whistle

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one law

justice in Texas
falls heavy on the Black man
white kids float right through

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justice is blinded

a judge in Texas
found Couch too soft to serve time
prison's for po' folk

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behemoth's hoofprints
cows tramp around my garden
the fence has been breached


safe haven

Benkler and Lessig
from their safe Ivory Tower
lay corruption bare

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Rick Santorum thinks
more often about gay sex
than gay people do

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