
oops...better keep that

what was long called "junk"
untranslated DNA
controls what's expressed/

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gas bag II

Professor Gingrich 
 whines about partisanship 
Oscar nominee

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tick, tock

Waning crescent moon 
counts the regrets of Elul 
 towards Tishrei's new start

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Barney Frank remembers

Governor Romney 
 forty-seventh overall 
in job creation

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Three-body problem 
 gravitation's like romance 
 still intractable

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gas bag

Gridlock's architect 
 whines about partisanship 
 Oscar performance!

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public signs

Concrete corruption 
where the road-surface changes 
 Big Man's country home

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learning moderation

In Hillary's youth 
 Goldwater's extremism 
seemed more compelling

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Ayn Rand's foolish mom 
nurtured the ungrateful wretch 
without a contract

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writing's easy...

Haiku just cost ink 
 sonnets are written in blood 
if they're worth a damn

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Wager all your chips 
wondering what might have been 
 taints what could be bliss

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do what you can

The future's not real 
 and the past's past your control 
 make your present work

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Polygamy's hard 
 multiple mothers-in-law 
 tag-team misery


who's in?

Tax unearned income 
fix Social Security 
 one stroke of a pen

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if the shoe fits

Unprovoked haiku 
sometimes appear apropos 
 it's all in your mind


who's interested?

's policy 
 screws depositors

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All within the law 
 makes sure nothing's done

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Each given pixel 
 fish? Cloud? Or water-lily? 
 You complete Monet

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"I've been such a fool" 
 a thousand other cliches 
each true, in its time


Hashimi's trial 
 relaunched sectarian war 
 as Iraq splinters

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's assets 

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neo-con agenda

Karl 's agenda 
 blinded Bush to -Laden 
 mired us in I

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rainy day

Perennial plants 
 sequester starch in their roots 
 to fuel Spring's new growth


home-field advantage

Edmund Hillary's 
 tanks of compressed "English Air" 
puzzled most Sherpas

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J. Edgar Hoover 
 had the dirt on everyone 
and froliced in it

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lashon harah II

pastor Terry Jones
got more Americans killed/
spewing his hate-speech

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's nostalgia 
 for a strongman in  
 so condescending!

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can we talk?

In this complex world 
 two who never disagree 
can't both be thinking


survival of the fittest

Genghis Khan's gametes 
spewed out across Eurasia 
 bloodline legacy


where's the love?

Pastor Terry Jones 
preaching a gospel of Hate 
 inciting murder

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 sparred with  
 on ultimate causation 
"God does not play dice!"

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lashon harah

Pastor Terry Jones 
 exulting in Free Speech rights 
got our envoy killed

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Homeric epic 
 leaves no shadow unexplored 
in perfect syntax

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controlling interest

what was long called "junk"
untranslated DNA
controls what's expressed

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Chris Christie's image 
overflows the tv screen 
 get a shorter lens

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objectivist dystopia

Ayn Rand's selfish creed 
would have each treat his neighbors 
 as foreign nations

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our boys

Support our soldiers! 
 Make sure they're where they belong 
 bring them home alive

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someone else's problem

Tacit assumption: 
 all wars are fought overseas 
 warps debate at home

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's status quo
 taught a nation's youth to hate

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who needs it?

Grim dystopia 
Ayn Rand's argument with God 
 disallows friendship

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Toffs in bespoke suits 
 vote that blokes in uniforms 
 die in foreign wars

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I do not think that word means what he thinks it means

"Defend and protect" 
 seemed clear 'til  flip-flopped 
 "woman's Right to Choose"

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strange allure

Poison-oak's terpenes 
 look like flavorants to charm 
 alien palates

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uncertainty V

The real Mitt Romney 
 subtle as Schroedinger's cat 
 don't know 'til you ask

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Uncertainty IV

Mitt's current values? 
subtle as Schroedinger's cat 
don't know 'til you ask

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synthetic bio

Gastric symbiotes 
expressing cellulases 
could feed the hungry

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uncertainty III

Mitt's current values? 
 is Schroedinger's cat alive?

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uncertainty II

Romney's core values
 subtle as Schroedinger's cat 
depends who's asking

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Nostos II

Dusty caravans 
 limp out of Black Rock City 
 back to the Man's world



Downwardly mobile 
too many new graduates 
 live in mom's basement

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demographic bomb

ben Gurion deemed
the BlackHats faced extinction
 strategic blunder

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 taught us 
 can't know where  would stand /
once votes were counted

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not merely vicious 
 Cheney brooked no law at all 
a man they called "Vice"

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Ayn Rand's neurosis 
 can't form human connections 
 world's first "crack baby"

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make way!

Trojan satellites 
 sweep riff-raff from our orbit 
 untiring heralds


negative externalities

American coal 
 destroys American wealth 
 subsidized looting

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Cars caked in playa 
 carrying whimsical toys 
wend home from the Burn

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Tailgating, cursing 
 rather than pass on the right 
 left-lane kind of guy

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convention blather

Mendacious speeches 
 energized the delegates 
but turned voters off

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sterile talk

Do-nothing Congress 
 to make Obama look bad 
castrated itself

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Signal processing 
 frontier of neuro-science 
 to understand mind

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's nostalgia 
 for a strongman in Egypt 
shows how Left he ain't

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