single mothers
'till they've got sons of their own
so much mothering!
Labels: adolescence, parenthood
with the tip of his dagger
"shall we dance, cousin?"
Labels: dune, Herbert, literature, proust
social theory
voting can't make what's wrong right
values pre-exist
Labels: law, philosophy, politics
Wolf Hall
sweeps Mantel's novel along
Labels: language, literature, proust
of teshuvah in practice
"A Christmas Carol"
Labels: Dickens, fiction, literature, religion
oh, grow up!
rather than mere sensation
sets adults apart
Labels: adolescence, life
overshadows His teachings
for many Christians
Labels: death, messianism, religions
know thyself
commenting on vayishlakh
must see "Life of Pi"
Labels: dualism, film, philosophy, religion
answered all Muslims' questions
except succession
Labels: Amir, inheritance, religion
Tolkien's faith
in the guise of Mithrandir
delivered the world
Labels: messianism, Tolkien
sex sells
advertising underwear
less than what it hides
Labels: commercialism, media, sex
I got mine
Lot's neighbors could go to Hell
while he got redeemed
Labels: redemption, religion
honest politician II
when he says "never" or "no"
make him an offer
Labels: corruption, money, politics, sincerity
everything and nothing
outdoes creationism
for scale and chutzpah
Labels: cognition, conspiracy, religion, science
honest politician
knows who pays for his campaigns
they're not MiddleClass
Labels: Boehner, corruption, money, politics, wealth
each time it starts heating up
atmosphere's too wet
Labels: cloud, convection, mountain, weather
Tartarus II
seek a relative Eden
flock to Tartarus
Labels: Assad, revolution, Syria
so foul and fair a day I have not seen
wrack scuds under twin rainbows
fit day for MacBeth
Labels: season, Shakespeare, storm, weather, winter
under crumbling asbestos
college dorm living
Labels: architecture, Geoff, sleep
End times
Nature 486,52
they say we are toast
Labels: climate, eschatology, Geoff
Labels: civilization, ego, philosophy
epistemic closure
Labels: media, noise, philosophy, politics
the wavelength of the world
Labels: physics
who trade Liberties for Security will get neither
Labels: civil rights, drones, police, terror
entropy wins
Labels: economics
legacy of violence
Labels: justice, revolution, Syria
Labels: death, meaning, philosophy, religion
Tolkien's coding
Labels: Tolkien
personne n'est un ile
Labels: taxes
Labels: eschatology, season
ayn chadash
Labels: philosophy, religion
Labels: literature, politics, scandal, sex, Steinbeck
routine maintenance/
Labels: technology, Tolkien
Labels: death, Homer, immortality, music
labelled baggage
Labels: law, music, pharmacology
chaos in motion
Labels: aerodynamics, fluids, physics, sport
once you can fake sincerity...
Labels: money, Shakespeare, sincerity
national project
Labels: constitution, justice, law, Marshall
Labels: afghanistan, war
Labels: aerodynamics, physics
temper, temper
Labels: technology, Tolkien, war
ezer k'negdo
Labels: Lincoln
Labels: communication, language
plus ca change II
Labels: iran, revolution, torture
plus ca change...
Labels: iran, politics, revolution, torture
you think that's intelligence?
Labels: cognition, intelligence, mind/body, philosophy
unthought's thinker
Labels: faith, philosophy
all is vanity
Labels: Tolkien, transience
does not play nicely with others II
Labels: philosophy, society
does not play nicely with others
Labels: philosophy, politics, society
Labels: civil rights, privacy, technology