the People's man
long after his voice was gone
dragons yet to slay
Labels: music, revolution, Seeger
seventeen syllables / is all you can cram into / such a tiny screen
Labels: music, revolution, Seeger
Labels: class, music, revolution, Seeger
Labels: corporations, economics, WalMart
Labels: bush, cheney, constitution, politics
Labels: technology
Labels: Australia, immigrants
Labels: immigrants, scandal, Turkey
Labels: Nietzsche, philosophy
Labels: civil rights, Kennedy, Lincoln, war
Labels: aerodynamics, hg
Labels: Feinstein, politics, Snowden, surveillance
Labels: literature, Nietzsche, philosophy
Labels: disease, sugar, technology
Labels: film, myth, romance, singularity
Labels: cia, death, Feinstein, Snowden, surveillance
Labels: corruption, internet, law, media
Labels: politics, religion, revolution, Syria, war
Labels: convection, hg, soaring
Labels: drink
Labels: politics, revolution, Snowden, time
Labels: logic
Labels: Tolkien
Labels: evil, philosophy, religion
Labels: philosophy
Labels: geology, time, transience
Labels: economics, revolution
Labels: archaeology, predation
Labels: Buber, philosophy, teleology
Labels: academia, history, philosophy, Searle
Labels: Buber, philosophy
Labels: philosophy, Searle
Labels: death, philosophy, teleology
Labels: architecture
Labels: Ghassan, haiku, holiday, thanksgiving
Labels: Brian, commercialism, Jerusalem
Labels: architecture, Brian, Jerusalem
Labels: civil rights, Perry, politics
Labels: corruption, Geoff, money, politics, war
Labels: Billy, Snowden, surveillance
Labels: garden
Labels: academia, corruption, Lessig