

There's just one tax-base 
 war leaves every child behind 
 learn priorities! 

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flattened rhetoric

"safe legal and rare"
 expressed rare sense and nuance 
 in this sound-bite age

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God is a figment
but opiates are sure real 
we're wired for them both

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time and tech

Cherrypickers rock!
 had Agamemnon had six 
who would know of Troy?

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Brilliant Achilles 
none could face his blazing wrath 
his fame defies death

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oh no, not again

steadfast in his course
like a rock, only dumber
Bush strafes Syria

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cosco busan

shocking new finding: 
 the bay pilot was at fault 
 when he rammed the bridge

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benchmark 10/23/08

 touching down mid-span 
the setting sun drops below 
 the golden gate bridge

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'round and 'round

The moon's last sliver 
 lighting the east horizon 
 points to the new dawn

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Greenspan clarifies 
 two decades of unchecked greed 
"I made a mistake"

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gut check

Bad breakfast topic 
 when hangglider pilots chat 
 prion diseases

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Play derivatives 
 through the market's ups and downs 
 integrate to zilch

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social filters

women trust their dogs 
 to judge human character 
 it pays to play nice


marginal benefit

uncoated nosewires 
 scraped Scott's face when he whacked in 
 fucking hazardous


laboring to communicate

Publication stalled 
 for metrical purposes 
 twelve more revisions 



  Pretty good landing 
 he can reuse the aircraft 
 when he recovers 


attention span

Left my hat again 
 every time the sun goes down 
I lose interest 

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South wind in the night 
 hints at falling air pressure 
 and the coming front

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whose side is she on?

Who will tell Palin 
"spiritual warriors"
 are Mujahedin?

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 Dunlap wasn't strong 
 those who ventured far from launch 
quickly lost it all

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the passing of America

Trading liberty 
 for homeland security 
 we achieve neither

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pecking order

Celebrity chefs 
treat critics like royalty 
 and their staff like dirt 



Compressive heating
 racing down the Rockies' slope 
The Chinook eats snow

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The chinook cranks up 
 racing down the Rockies' slope 
 eating the snow-pack

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portents on the wind

 I smell hills burning 
 when the north east wind blows hot 
fear trumps my own nose

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let there be light

shake an electron
with magnets or whatever
a photon falls out

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flaccid editing
dulls the new Stone film's impact
it feels way too long

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like a rock

 bounce right off George double-you 
 he just never learns

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Military expertise

Powell's endorsement 
 cites economic factors 
 what's he not saying?

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the past isn't even past

Later at leisure
 the mind conjures up nightmares 
 of a threat long past

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is there anybody in there?

Berkeley Iron Works 
 echoes emptily at noon 
 what's the holiday?



 Shedding my glasses 
I rely on memory 
I can't count my toes 

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 dripping jaws of death 
 threaten to crush his small boat 
James tilts at dredges

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Twitter twaddle

 In this cluttered world 
bad haiku proliferate 
 good ones are still scarce



extrapolate to zero

Trance-tracks of heartbeats 
 seem to pulse on forever 
until they just stop

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Watch Colin Powell 
 he harbors his own ideas 
October surprise

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Carve them like gemstones 
 then strew haiku on the beach 
 for those who have eyes



search strategy

When you're thermalling 
 but you've blundered out of lift 
 hunt toward your low wing

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Boiling green madness 
 all make haste to reproduce 
Spring rocks the tundra 

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a fire upon the deep

Vernor Vinge dared cast 
 distributed computing 
 as biology

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What's this approaching? 
cirrus clouds dim the sunshine 
 intimating change

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guru laughed

 Learn what not to want: 
 that way you'll find contentment.
it just looks easy


I'm with stupid

 ...woke in Orinda 
 next to a republican 
 profoundly depressed

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adult supervision

Lionel and Bill 
 offered to take the kids out 
 suddenly, Scott's in



rough game

 lured Iceland to gamble big 
 for sale: one island

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For sale: one island 
 cash-poor but energy-rich 
wanna buy Iceland?

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wretched excess

Smoked tongue and grilled ducks 
 bodies ten-deep in the tub 
 that's entertaining!

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Absorbed by ozone 
 UV heats the tropopause 
 capping convection

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search algorithm

When you're thermalling 
 but you've blundered out of lift 
hunt toward your low wing

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Paulson's waffle

opportunists know 
politics may come and go 
but greed is timeless

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Gen. 6:9

meaning needs context 
Gordon Brown's a Saviour 
in the Bush era

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small hopes

we put in billions
to our broken bank system
all we ask is change

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small hopes

we put in billions
to our broken bank system
all we ask is change

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trust me

Hank Paulson offered
faith-based bank regulations
the voters want change

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fixed like a tomcat

Did not you hear it?
The economy is fixed.
It's up ten percent

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ominous shadow

From the church steeple 
 an owl tracks the rats below 
 death strikes noiselessly

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there's light in the darkness

an insomniac
 reading latest WashPosh poll,
 crowing happily

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plastic language

Since George Dubya Bush 
 the world has a new proverb 
"weak as a dollar"

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outstanding obligations

Sixty-two trillion 
 tallied as derivatives 
could pass like the dew 

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nightmare of the week

Sixty-two trillion 
 tallied as derivatives
 integrate to zilch

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market bottom?

Dropped from high enough 
 even a dead cat will bounce
yet it remains dead

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what's the opposite of Cassandra?

 Bush claims victory 
 fixing the economy 
 "mission accomplished"

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 Bankers for Dubya 
 start to doubt faith-based banking
 in this End of Times

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hang waiting

Down at Ed Levin 
 the students taste disappointment 
 the wind howls and wraps

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Light and variable

 hear the convection 
 carrying heat into space 
 lending our flesh wings

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Fish food

 tortured at Gitmo 
 they could never be released 
 now they're Soylent Green

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To preserve a life 
 the limb that cannot be saved 
 must be cut away



happy primate

Tired of dropping food 
I found tongs that really work 
 Obstetric forceps

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Salem '08

A banker--burn him!
turned me into a pauper 
 and consorts with Bush

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universal jurisdiction

exeut: George and Dick
pursued by the hounds of hell
to their just deserts

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shrivelled souls

For want of hot-tubs 
 they chat primly on the couch 
 and vote GOP

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first storm

Clouds hug the water 
 barely too high to be fog 
Summer's behind us

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turn off your mind relax and float downstream...

Buoyed in this tube 
clad only in swirling light 
 the river takes me

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the journey of a thousand miles

 Stand on your left foot 
shift forward onto your right 
 repeat as needed


Clouds bar the valley 
 from Black to Tinemaha 
 portents of John Voight

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gorged on grilled duck breasts 
 the perils of hang gliding 
seem much more abstract

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that's alarming

Violent sneezing 
 knocks loose arterial plaques -
which can cause a stroke
